lunedì 11 dicembre 2017

Glenn Hauser logs December 10-11, 2017

** BIAFRA [non]. 11530, Dec 11 at 0525, JBA carrier from WRMI, vs slightly stronger 11580, and slightly stronger than that 11520 WEWN. Presumably with R. Biafra as scheduled.

7240, Dec 11 at 0526, I check the other R. Biafra relay frequency, via FRANCE, and hear it the best yet, in fact for the first time with definite audio: it`s very poor S9-S7 but no QRhaM; OM announcer, maybe in English; 0528:45 music and the usual YL with schedule announcement. I cannot read details, but seems too brief so apparently she no longer mentions an evening broadcast at ``8 pm`` which appears to have been canceled, at least via WRMI. 0529:40 to dead air, and off the air at 0530:07*. Back to 11530: still detectable on air, and probably with World Music fill until 0600 Brother Scare hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KIRITIMATI. 846, Dec 11 at 0531, JJBA carrier from presumed R. Kiribati; none audible at another check 0630. Need to monitor it for longer periods, as some have reported drastic ups and downs in signal levels (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [non]. (7490), UT Sun Dec 10 at 0400-0500 on WBCQ, monthly `Broad Spectrum Radio`, as previewed by James Branum, an hour of music celebrating holidays of various religions, lesser-known tunes, not all of them serious. Since 7490 had faded to poor level earlier in evening, and since I was on the computer anyway, I didn`t even try to hear it on SW, sorry. Unfortunately the webcast buffered a lot especially during the first half --- maybe because too many of us were trying to listen that way, and then some of us gave up. Anyhow, all about the enjoyable ``Winter Holiday Music Mashup`` here, and a play link:

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1907 monitoring: missed checking 0030 UT Monday December 11 on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB, but probably inaudible/off the air? as usual. Confirmed UT Monday December 12 from 0400 sharp on Area 51 webcast, but no signal at 0428 check on WBCQ 5130v (it was also inaudible earlier at 0154 check). John Carver, mid-north Indiana, relies on the A51 WOR airing, but reported at 0406 UT:

``FYI. Going to try WRMI for World of Radio this evening. 5130 transmitter turned on and was running promos at 2357. At 2358 transmitter went down. Two attempts to start after 0030 and finally came up at 0048. Went into a Jean Shepherd show and crashed again about forty-two minutes into that and has never come back up since.  Need to try the other frequency for WOR this evening.``

WOR confirmed here UT Monday December 12 at 0430 on WRMI 9955, poor S9-S7. Next:
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1908?]

Full WOR schedule via all media, and podcast access:

** U S A. 7490.11, Dec 11 at 0154 check, WBCQ Brother Scare has varied to the plus side for a change; while 5130v which ought to be audible with Area 51, is off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Re my log of 1270 KFLC at midday, Tim Hall replies:

``A quick clarification - KFLC is Univision Deportes, not ESPN Deportes. 1540 KZMP is the ESPN Deportes affiliate for the Dallas area. Most (all?) of the Univision-operated stations (KTNQ-1020, KLSQ-870, etc.) now air Univision Deportes, but this does not appear to be a full-time format, as I often hear these stations reverting back to the old "Amor Celestial" Spanish contemporary Christian format, or running a variety of music. Along these lines, I'm pretty confident that the UNID ESPN Deportes 1020 you reported a few months ago was KTNQ running Univision Deportes. 73 Tim``

KTNQ is 50/50 kW U4 Los Ángeles, day and night null toward me and KDKA --- don`t think I`d ever heard it or any previous call (gh, DXLD)

** U S A. 1540.116v, Dec 10 at 2351 UT, first on caradio on way to an Xmas program, still tuned to 1540 for yesterday`s KXEL midday reception, now a big low-audible-heterodyne (LAH) and classic rock music, at first not sure that`s the station causing the het. Soon ID as ``KGBC (?) 1480``, with three Houston suburbs, ``we`ve got you covered``. The one I recognize and retain is Clear Lake.

The 1480 station is KLVL Padadena, NOT KGBC, but I`m positive the letters uttered were nothing like KLVL, altho first sounded like KGBD. It so happens that the two are jointly owned, by Siga, so are they now running // and KLVL also branded as ``KGBC``? 1480 is blocked here by Spanish from KBXD Metroplex. Next break at 2356 UT of same format, but this time really as ``KGBC 1540``. Natch, fade into QRM for hourtop legal(?) ID. But Michael Jackson playing until 0002 UT December 11.

Back home on the R75 at 0155 UT, I measure the off-frequency and do match it to the above stunting. 0158 UT, another ``we`ve got you covered`` slogan, hard rock. 0202 UT fade for quick mumbled legal(?) ID, then a chiropractic ad which starts out sounding like a PSA, but with a 713-phone; also frequently heard something with an 877 toll-free number.

A year or two ago, KGBC Galveston was off-frequency like this for a long time, but more recently had attained 1540.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 900.15, Dec 11 at 0635 UT, something here making a het upon the 900s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1643 UT December 11